Contact Business Law Visiting address:Turun kauppakorkeakouluRehtorinpellonkatu 320500 TurkuPostal address:Turku School of EconomicsDepartment of Accounting and FinanceFI-20014 University of Turku Hannu Itälä Master of Laws, Doctoral Student Doctoral Researcher, Laws University Teacher, Department of Accounting and Finance +358 29 450 4956 +358 50 529 6475 Reijo Knuutinen OTT, KTM Professor, Department of Accounting and Finance +358 29 450 4059 +358 50 307 3718 Tuija Viinikka KTT, OTL University Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance +358 29 450 4060 +358 50 321 8315