Scientific qualifications
As regards scientific competence, a docent shall have comprehensive knowledge in his or her own field and a capacity for independent research work demonstrated through publication or some other manner. In evaluating scientific competence, the person applying for a docentship must meet the discipline-specific minimum requirements as regards publications. In all cases, the applicant must demonstrate scientific publications at least to the extent of two doctoral theses from areas related to the operation and profile and meeting the scientific requirements of Turku School of Economics. The discipline-specific minimum requirements may also be higher than this.
Skills in teaching
Good teaching skills are required of a docent.
A free-form application in writing is directed at the Rector of the University of Turku, but it is delivered to HR-specialist Katariina Ervasti preferably in pdf-form (katariina.ervasti(a)
Before submitting the application, it is recommended that the applicant discusses the application with the head of the applicable department or professors in the discipline/field. Department representatives are best placed to evaluate whether it is necessary to name new docents in the field. The discussions should also touch upon the docent’s title.
Application attachments
1. CV, most preferable in TENK-form
2. List of publications
3. List of the publications and other works (numbered, the maximum number of items is 10) which the applicant wishes to highlight to prove his/her qualifications and merits
4. Teaching portfolio
The faculty asks one of the faculty’s professors in the field to propose experts to evaluate the applicant’s scientific merits. Usually two experts are appointed. The provisions of the Administrative Law (434/2003) 27 – 28 § hold as regards the experts’ bias. The experts are selected from outside the University of Turku.
As soon as all expert statements have been received at Turku School of Economics the document will become public,
Making the proposal to the Rector
After receiving the statements, the Council of TSE evaluates the applicant’s eligibility and makes the proposal to grant the applicant the title of docent to the Rector of the University of Turku. The assumption is that the experts have evaluated the applicant to be academically competent without question. The title of docent is granted by the Rector of the University of Turku.
Additional information
Further information concerning the procedure can be obtained from HR-specialist Katariina Ervasti katariina.ervasti(a)