Kestävän kehityksen opintokokonaisuus

Sustainable Development Studies

Do you want to become an expert in sustainable development?

The aim of the Sustainable Development Studies is to offer students a thorough grounding in the principles of sustainable development and means to implement these principles in various contexts. The studies take into account the four dimensions of sustainable development: environmental, social, cultural and economic. 

Sustainable Development Studies (Minor) consists of a mandatory core course KEKO9001 (10 cr) and optional courses (min. 15 cr; exchange students min. 2 cr). The optional courses from different faculties of UTU provide deeper understanding of the different dimensions of sustainability, whereas the core course invites the students to apply these perspectives to a case analysis, and demonstrates how sustainability can only be achieved by developing collaborative expertise.

Application period is open during 16.5.–5.9.2024.

> Application form

The results of application are launched latest on the 9 September 2024 by email. Please note that you must have a right to study in the University of Turku to be qualified to apply to KEKO. 

Futher information on the studies

Applying for the study year 2024–2025

Application period for those studying KEKO in English is open from 16 May to 5 September 2024.

>> Application form

The results of application are launched latest on 9 September 2024 by email.

The intake for English speaking students is 10 students for a study year. Please note that you must have a right to study in the University of Turku to be qualified to apply to KEKO. 

The evaluation of applications is based on the following criteria:

  • Motivation for studies in sustainable development
  • Desire and willingness to work in a self-directed, multidisciplinary team
  • Completed studies, credits and academic success (by 31 August 2024) 
Contents of the studies

When applying to Sustainable Development Studies (which we call KEKO in Finnish), please be prepared to do research: in the core course KEKO9001, you will work as a part of a team of students with various disciplinary backgrounds (max. 10 members) from September to April. 

You will do joint research on sustainability-related issues around a given theme. During the year, the teams make 4 written analyses (ecological, social, economic and cultural sustainability) and one poster (integration of the four dimensions) on their case/theme. The work is facilitated by the teachers, but for substantial part of time, the teams will work in a self-organized manner, with rotating leadership – each student will lead the team at some point. Thus, in addition to sustainability-related understanding, the core course provides the KEKO students with research and team working skills and develops their collaborative expertise in doing multidisciplinary case-studies. 

Due to the intensive nature of the mandatory course, it may be unadvisable to do KEKO studies in the same year as when you do your Bachelor’s Thesis seminar.