Tohtorikoululutettavat ulkokuva 144

Equality Plan of the University of Turku

We are an equal and diverse University community. Achieving equality and non-discrimination is a matter that concerns the whole University community. Therefore, everyone has an important role in nurturing and promoting them. Accessibility and the promotion of study and work well-being are at the heart of the work towards equality. We work towards strengthening equality and non-discrimination related to e.g. age, sex and ethnicity in our community. These is a policy of zero tolerance against racism at the University of Turku.

The University of Turku complies with the Equality Plan compiled for the strategy period 2021-2030 and approved by the University Board.

The Plan includes an assessment on the state of equality and non-discrimination at the University and a description of the measures that are used to monitor the situation. It also includes evaluation of the non-discrimination and equality work so far and defines the next measures. The Equality Committee monitors the progress of the Plan annually and makes the required updates to the measures. The Plan’s progress is monitored regularly and continuously.

See the plan in more detail

> Equality Plan of the University of Turku (pdf)

Equality Committee

The task of the Equality Committee is to promote and monitor the realisation and development of non-discrimination and equality at the University. The Rector appoints the Equality Committee that consist of the representatives of different personnel groups, personnel organisations and students and broadly represents the different units.

Advisor on Equality Issues and Accessibility Planning Officer

The Advisor on Equality Issues offers instructions and guidance to both students and staff on matters concerning non-discrimination and equality. The Advisor on Equality Issues interacts with the Equality Committee and collaborates with the Student Union. More information:

The tasks of the Accessibility Planning Officer include promoting accessibility and the availability of services at the University. More information: