Training programme: Building Future Images – Your University in 2030

Building Future Images programme guides your University to explore the futures. The programme helps you to make sense of the complexity of your University’s context and future changes. The world leading futures researchers coach you in building future images that help you develop successful strategies to meet the challenges of the next decade. 

For whom?

The programme is targeted to universities that want to gain a competitive edge through foresight and preparing for possible futures. To ensure successful implementation of the programme, participants should cover the strategic leadership, development staff, and selected representatives of research and education (max. 20 participants in workshops).

Programme outcomes

After the programme the University has build alternative realistic representations of the futures of the University that can be met in 10 years.

Contents and phases of the programme

Phase 1: Introduction

Introduction to the Building Future Images programme and the programme process.

Delivery: online independent study

Phase 2: Defining where we stand    

Defining the context and background of the University by gathering documents for status analysis and by online interviews. Summarising results and findings in online workshop: building shared understanding on the context and the Universty’s starting point for future development

Delivery: desk study, online interviews, half-day online workshop 

Phase 3: Building Future Images    

Exploring the futures and defining alternative realistic representations of the futures, where the University can find success within 10 years, summarising the future possibilities into Future Images of the University

Delivery: Two full-day workshops in customer’s location.

Phase 4: Conclusions    

Representing the University Future Images, summarising the results of the process, discussion on the process results and its strategic implications.

Delivery: online seminar

Duration and delivery

The programme recommended duration is 2 months.

Delivery combines online working and face-to-face workshops in either Finland or in customer’s location.
You can also ask for our offer for full online delivery.

"Defining alternative representations of the futures, where your University can find success is not only exciting but eye-opening "

Director of the Centre for Collaborative Research at Turku School of Economics Antti Saurama and Head of the Research Funding Unit Soile Haverinen conversed in the workshop for research development.