Study visit for prospective students and parents

The visit introduces you the international study opportunities of the University of Turku as well as the campus, student life and the city of Turku.

For whom?

The study visit is suitable for prospective international students on bachelor and master’s levels.

Duration and delivery

Duration of the visit is 3 days in Turku, Finland.

Daily programme

Day 1

  • University Faculties and study opportunities
  • Academic Walk: Introducing the academic heritage of Turku


Day 2

  • Applying to study: procedures, tuitions and scholarships
  • Studying at the University
  • The student experience: Meet the students            
  • Living in Turku and Finland
  • Bus tour in Turku


Day 3

  • Visiting open lectures (to be selected from available options)
  • Meet the staff for discussion and questions
  • Graduate employment opportunities

10 500 € / group (excluding possible VAT)

Maximum groups size 25.