JMC Events - 2020

December 10, 2020: More Than A Word Documentary Screening and Q&A

 Date: Thursday, December 10, 2020
Time: 17:00
Place: Online

Please register here!


Documentary Screening and Q&A  Join the JMC for a virtual film screening of the documentary More Than A Word (2017) and a Q&A on Zoom. The film can be viewed for 48 hours prior to the Zoom meeting. Q&A Session on Thursday December 10, 17:00 Featuring filmmakers John and Kenn Little (Standing Rock Sioux) and  PhD Candidate Niina Siivikko (Sámi) Moderated by Postdoctoral Researcher Reetta Humalajoki  Register at by December 8, 2020.  This event is free and open to everyone. For more information, e-mail:  UTU NAMS students may collect lecture passes.

February 19–21, 2020: "Histories of Death: An International Symposium"

Dates: Wednesday–Friday, February 19-21, 2020
Place: University of Turku

Symposium Website

Histories of Death Symposium


February 17, 2020: "The Lovable Bigot from Queens: Television, Archie Bunker, Racism, and the White Working Class in the 1970s"

Date: Monday, February 17, 2020
Time: 14:00–16:00
Place: University of Turku, Publicum (Assistentinkatu 7), Lecture Hall Pub 5

Speaker: Doctoral Candidate Oscar Winberg (Åbo Akademi University)

February 7, 2020: "Median vastuu koulusurmauutisoinnissa - tutkijoiden ja toimittajien keskustelu median eettisistä haasteista"

Date: Friday, February 7, 2020
Time: 14:00–16:00
Place: The Päivälehti Museum, Ludviginkatu 2–4, Helsinki

Median vastuu koulusurmauutisoinnissa