Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days

The Nordic Korean Studies Days (NKSD) were founded by the universities of Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm, and Turku. Due to its huge success, this international teaching collaboration was expanded to include teachers and students from universities in the Baltics. The (new) Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days (NBKSD) are co-organized by scholars from the universities in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kaunas, Oslo, Riga, Stockholm, Trondheim, and Turku. It is an intensive Korean Studies course covering different disciplines such as history, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology and political science.

The Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days (NBKSD, 5 ECTS) create synergies of the rich knowledge and academic competence dispersed over small Korean studies units in the Nordic and Baltic countries,  strengthen teaching collaboration between the participating universities, and further strengthen the academic community in the field of Korean studies. By combining various teaching and learning formats as well as innovative pedagogical approaches, the course provides multidisciplinary Korean studies including, but not limited to, humanities, social sciences and international relations.

Organizers in 2024: Sabine Burghart (University Lecturer, Turku), Erika Griučkaitytė (Vytautas Magnus University), Sonja Häussler (Professor, Stockholm), Zoran Lee Pecic (Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Antti Leppänen (Researcher, Turku), Andrew Logie (Associate Professor, Helsinki), Ildze Šķestere (The University of Latvia), Vladimir Tikhonov (Professor, Oslo), Barbara Wall (Associate Professor, Copenhagen) 


"... great topics, great teachers ! I feel lucky to have been able to learn from some of the best scholars within Korean Studies"

"This was a good opportunity to learn about a variety of Korea-related topics ... [and] to make new connections with like-minded students"

"[The] NKSD has been one of the highlights of my studies and helped me feel like part of a broader Asian Studies community."

"It is a great course ..."

"This was an amazing experience, I learned a lot."

"Go for it! Super interesting stuff..." 



The next Nordic-Baltic Korean Studies Days will be organised in 2025.


The Nordic Korean Studies Days in the news:

Dunbar, Jon. 'Nordic colleges host Korean Studies Days'. The Korea Times, 9 March 2022 


Previous NKSD