Please note that the program is subject to change.
Tuesday, 27 August, 2019
09:30 Registration opens; Coffee (Sponsored by the Hokkaido University Europe Office)
10:00 Opening Session
Professor Lauri Paltemaa, Centre for East Asian Studies: Welcoming words
Ambassador of Finland to Japan Pekka Orpana, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Vice-Director Takehiro Okabe, Hokkaido University Europe Office
10:40 Session 1: Japan, Finland, Russia and Eastern Europe
1. Iwashita Akihiro, Hokkaido University: Russo-Japanese relations
2. Markku Kangaspuro, Aleksanteri Institute: Finnish-Russian relations in the
changing international security environment
3. Takehiro Okabe, University of Helsinki and Hokkaido University Europe Office: Finnish and
Japanese folklorists until WWII and their approach to Eurasia
4. Shingo Masunaga, University of Turku: In-between Conspiracy Theories and Historical
Facts: Lessons from the Interwar Japanese Military Intelligence Activities in the Baltic
States and Finland
12:20 Lunch at Piccu Maccia, Assistentinkatu 5, 20500 Turku, Educarium building, 1st floor
(Sponsored by the Toshiba International Foundation)
13:30 Session 2: Japan, Finland and the Arctic
1. Juha Saunavaara, Hokkaido University: Japan’s Arctic policy
2. Markku Heikkilä, University of Lapland: Finland´s Arctic Policy: Towards a new
Arctic Strategy
3. Liisa Kauppila, University of Turku: Making of the Polar Silk Road: What role for
Finland and Japan?
14:45 Coffee (Sponsored by the Hokkaido University Europe Office)
15:15 Session 3: Culture and trade in the Finnish-Japanese relations
1. Laura Ipatti, University of Turku: Finnish-Japanese cultural diplomacy and Finland’s
international information at the end of the Cold War
2. Ritva Larva, University of Turku: Marta Keravuori and Finnish-Japanese relations through
individuals and their activity
3. Juha Sahi, University of Oulu: "It is all about networks": Long-term perspectives on trade
relations between Finland and Japan
4. Olavi K. Fält, University of Oulu: Friends from the beginning: 100 years of diplomatic
relations between Finland and Japan
16:45 Closing words
18:00 Seminar dinner at Hus Lindman, Piispankatu 15, 20500 Turku
(Please note: Lunch and dinner are provided only for the registered participants.)