Recent publications of the Faculty of Medicine

Younger unrelated donors may be preferable over HLA match in the PTCy era: A study from the ALWP of the EBMT (2024)

Sanz Jaime, Labopin Myriam, Choi Goda, Kulagin Alexander, Peccatori Jacopo, Vydra Jan, Reményi Péter, Versluis Jurjen, Rovira Montserrat, Blaise Didier, Labussière-Wallet Hélène, Montoro Juan, Sica Simona, Meijer Ellen, Itäla-Remes Maija, Schaap Nicolaas, Bulabois Claude Eric, Piemontese Simona, Mohty Mohamad, Ciceri Fabio
(Refereed journal article or data article (A1))