Study Guides for Academic Postgraduate Training at the Faculty of Medicine

There are two study guides for postgraduate training complementary to each other at the Faculty of Medicine.

The doctoral programme specific study guides are in the electronic study guide system of the University. They include a general description of the doctoral programme, learning outcomes, contents of the doctoral training, information on available courses and degree specific prerequisites for pursuing a doctoral degree. The electronic study guide system also includes University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) courses on researcher's (transferable) skills.

Faculty of Medicine has its own study guide for academic postgraduate training, which is meant to be a handbook for postgraduate students and their supervisors. The study guide includes those regulations and procedural instructions that apply to academic postgraduate training for degrees in Medicine, Odontology, Philosophy and Nursing Science. E.g. the regulations and instructions for the thesis book (dissertation) and the thesis process are in this study guide.