Education provided by the Central Animal Laboratory

According to Finnish legislation, only well trained and qualified persons can perform procedures on laboratory animals, take care of laboratory animals,  euthanise laboratory animals, design experiments on laboratory animals and apply for the license for them.

Already qualified with laboratory animals but hoping for more skills in handling?

The central animal laboratory organizes free trainings. Inquiries


Laboratory Animal Science Course 2024-2025

The Central Animal Laboratory provides training in the following categories, as defined in the legislation:

  • Function A+D: gives competency to perform procedures for laboratory animals and kill them humanly. This function is recommended for Bachelor and Master degree students, as well as researchers who will be involved in projects, handling laboratory animals.
    • Consists of:
      • Mandatory face-to-face lectures
      • Online lectures and quizzes
      • Assignments
      • Demonstration with living animals
      • Optional practical work session with living animals
      • Electronical exam
  • Function B: an optional function to be taken after categories A and D. This function is recommended for senior researchers. Function B gives competency to write ethical project license and plan procedures involving laboratory animals.
    • Consists of:
      • Mandatory face-to-face lectures
      • Online lectures and quizzes
      • Assignments
      • Writing an ethical project license
      • Electronical exam

a table, explaining functions A+D and function B

You can only complete one function of the course at a time. First, you must complete function A+D, after that you can complete the optional function B.

After spring 2025, courses will be organized as follows:

  • Autumn
    • Functions A+D, teaching in Finnish, PGS_1819
    • Functions A+D, teaching in English, PGS_1675
  • Spring
    • Function B, PGS_1675

The course codes in Peppi

  • PGS_1675 Laboratory Animal Science Course (ENG), teaching in English
  • PGS_1819 Koe-eläimet, kurssi toimenpiteiden suorittajille, teaching in Finnish 

Check your study guide for the course code that belongs to your degree and enroll on that or choose a course code according to the teaching language. Function B is always executed under the PGS_1675 implementation.

If you have any questions, please contact course leader Emrah Yatkin ( or course coordinator Hanna Helminen (


September 2024

The following categories are organized in the laboratory animal science course:

  • Functions A+D, 3 ECTS


Registration: 01.07.2024 - 18.08.2024

Course period: 02.09.2024 - 17.11.2024


The course material is in Finnish and English in Moodle system.


Mandatory face-to-face -lectures:

Lectures on English implementation

3.9. at 13:00-16:00

5.9 at 12:00-15:00

10.9. at 9:00-12:00


Lectures on Finnish implementation

2.9. at 13:00-16:00

9.9. at 13:00-16:00

16.9. at 13:00-16:00


Regarding Function A+D: The mandatory practical work session (Demo) will be organized during weeks 37-40. The optional practical work session (Hands on) will be organized during weeks 40-45. The exact dates are determined by the final number of participants and will be announced later.



  1. You must register for the course via UTU Peppi (
    • Check your study guide for the course code or register according to the teaching language
      • PGS_1675-3013 Laboratory Animal Science Course (ENG), 3 ECTS, teaching in English
      • PGS_1819-3007 Koe-eläimet, kurssi toimenpiteiden suorittajille, 3 ECTS (ECTS), teaching in Finnish
  2. Registration should also be done via Webropol to indicate which functions will be studied and which animal species will be taken for the training:


If you have any questions, or you are not UTU/ÅA student but you want to register to the course, please contact the course coordinator Hanna Helminen ( or Emrah Yatkin (



April-May 2025

The following categories are organized in the laboratory animal science course:

  • Function A+D, 3 credits
  • Function B, 3 credits



After spring 2025, courses will be organized as follows:

  • Autumn
    • Functions A+D, teaching in Finnish, PGS_1819
    • Functions A+D, teaching in English, PGS_1675
  • Spring
    • Function B, PGS_1675