Research at the Department of Media Studies

Media Studies provides an interdisciplinary research environment combing methodological approaches from art studies and cultural studies. The department has strong traditions in film and television studies, studies of popular culture, media philosophy, feminist media studies, digital media research and rhetoric.

Research projects at Media Studies have investigated e.g. esports, Finnish film history, memories of pornography and the aesthetics of documentary film. Current PhD research projects vary in the foci from depictions of men in domestic cinema to super hero comics, social media, film theory and transgender media. The Academy of Finland research project, Sexuality and Play in Media Culture (2017–2021), examines media culture and sexuality through the notions of play and playfulness. The Strategic Research Council funded consortium, "Intimacy in Data-Driven Culture" (2019-2022/25) examines vulnerabilities emerging in data culture and the possibilities for developing a more just data economy.

The department is one of the publishers of Lähikuva peer review journal on media culture. Members of staff serve e.g. on the editorial boards of the journals VIEW: Journal of European Television History & Culture, New media & society, Sexualities, Social media + society, Porn Studies, Journal of Scandinavian Cinema and International Journal of Cultural Studies

The staff’s research interests range from media history to media management and affect theory: you can find more from the Contact information page.

Recent publications