Multilingual Communication

Our cross-linguistic and real plurilingual courses

Today, academia and modern society are increasingly international and multilingual. In order to succeed in situations, where multiple languages are used, well-trained personnel is aware of plurilingual skills and their implementation: They choose consciously the appropriate language(s) and can switch smoothly from one language to another. They are also able to mediate between languages and cultures and they benefit from the transfer between languages. Plurilingual skills facilitate the studies of additional languages.
The courses in plurilingual communication comprise training in the above mentioned skills bridging the gap between multiple languages. Each course uses and fosters at least two languages.
The MONI- study subject is based on own research (cf. Pluriling) and has been introduced in 2016.

Courses Offered


MONI1 Monikielinen vuorovaikutusosaaminen
Proficiency in Multilingual Business Communication

1st year, period II or III, starting in study year 2025-26.

This course offers an inspiring kick-off for studies in multiple languages and business communication at the Turku School of Economics. The topics covered include a language profile, communication skills for working life, plurilingual strategies and useful tools for language learning.

MONI2 (Sv + De)

MONI2 (Svenska·Deutsch)
MONI2 Multilingual Business Communication (Swedish-German) · Flerspråkig affärskommunikation · Mehrsprachige Geschäftskommunikation

Including oral and written communication aiming transfer skills and mediation activities with business content.

In fall term, period II, 3 credits. Swedish and German: A2–B1

Främst tränas den svenska och tyska muntliga språkfärdigheten samt flerspråkiga aktiviteter såsom kodväxling, transfer och återgivning av tyska texter på svenska och tvärtom. Trainiert werden konkrete mehrsprachige Situationen im Geschäftsleben wie Geschäftskommunikation, Informationsweitergabe sowie Gespräche und Verhandlungen in beiden Sprachen. Zwei Unternehmensbesuche, ett besök på svenska und der andere auf Deutsch. Der Kurs läuft jährlich, sedan år 2010.

MONI3 (trilingual En + Sv + De)

MONI3 (trilingual English·Svenska·Deutsch)
Multilingual Business Communication (English·Swedish·German)

Training language alternation, code switching, and mediating in oral business presentations and discussions.

In spring term, period IV, 3 credits, English: B2. Swedish and German: A2.

The course focuses on describing trends, giving presentations in multilingual business contexts, and mingling in an international and multilingual setting. The communication style of the target culture will be taken into consideration during the learning process. Multiple languages are used to practice effective business communication in interactive teamwork and discussion sessions.

MONI4 (Fi + Fr)

MONI4 (Français·Suomi)
MONI4 Communication in Public Affairs · Vaikuttajaviestintä (ranska-suomi) · Communication in Public Affairs

Approaching communication in public affairs in authentic multilingual situations within the domain of political and economic activities and decision making.

In spring term, period III, followed by a study trip to Brussels, 3 credits.

The subject of the course is communication in public affairs. Central themes are responsible business and its’ global challenges in the future. The students get to know the work of communication professionals in authentic situations in Brussels. Les étudiants se familiarisent avec des projets multiculturels et visitent des institutions européennes pour découvrir les forums internationaux de prise de décision. Les participants créent un projet pour un environnement multiculturel.

MONI5 (De + Fr)

MONI5 (Deutsch·Français)
MONI5 Multilingual Studies Abroad ·
Voyage d’étude plurilingue · Plurilinguale Studienreise

Combining learning in the classroom with authentic situations during the study trip, training continuous language alternation, code switching, and mediating.

In fall term 2025, period I and one week study trip to Switzerland, 3 credits. 
Every second year, not in fall 2024.

Des outils de base (conscience langagière, code-switching, empathie langagière) pour la construction d’une compétence de communication orale en allemand et en français dans la vie des affaires. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Deutsch und Französisch, diese Sprachen werden kontinuierlich und wechselweise genutzt, um dadurch plurilinguale Einzelfertigkeiten zu trainieren und ein Bewusstsein für das Lernen und die Verwendung mehreren Sprachen aufzubauen. Depuis 2007 – fahren wir plurilingual en Suisse.

MONI6 (De + En)

MONI6 (Deutsch·English)
MONI6 Exploring sustainability multilingually – In German and English
Nachhaltigkeit mehrsprachig erkunden

We will jointly explore sustainable projects in Berlin, in German and English, training both languages and plurilingual competence.

In fall term 2024, period I seminar in Turku and one week study trip to Berlin, 3 credits.
Every second year, not in fall 2025.

Deutschland ist die Heimat des Begriffs Nachhaltigkeit | sustainability und hier entstanden auch zahlreiche Initiationen zum verantwortlichen Umgang mit Ressourcen, man denke hier nur an Mülltrennung, Bio-Läden oder Energiewende.

MONI7 (De + En)

MONI7 Introduction to German-speaking countries and cultures in German and English – Johdatus saksankielisten maiden maantuntemukseen saksaksi ja englanniksi 

In multilingual and easy-to-understand German, we explore and discuss the exciting features of the countries in both languages

In period III, 3 credits, English: B2. German: A2–B1.