Italian is the mother tongue of about 70 million people and also one of the most studied languages in the world.
Italy is known above all for its history and culture and is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. When traveling in Italy and dealing with locals, even a slight knowledge of the Italian language is of great benefit. Knowledge of English cannot be taken for granted, and communication that relies on English only can be easily superficial. Italians are aware of this and greatly appreciate those who invest in learning their language.
Italy is a key industrial economy and a major export country and, therefore, also an important trading partner for Finland. Thousands of Finnish companies trade in Italy, so knowing the Italian language and culture can have a decisive advantage in the labour market.
The Italian teaching at the Centre for Language and Communication Studies at the University of Turku is intended for students from all faculties. Studies can be started from the beginning, and continued on the basis of these or previous studies, to continuation language and communication courses. It is possible to complete a study module in Italian, and students of the School of Economics are also offered basic business courses that can be taken independently.
The aim of the Italian courses is to give fluent basic language skills so students can cope with different situations in everyday life. Students can then continue studies in an Italian subject or, for example, to go to Italy as an exchange student. The aim of the higher-level courses in particular is to maintain and deepen the acquired language skills and also to provide the language skills and cultural knowledge required in working life.
Courses Offered
Beginner’s courses can be taken in directed self-studying or totally independently by either participating in the contact teaching.
Italian Beginners' Course I, 4-6 ECTS, A1
Not require earlier studies in Italian language
Italian Beginners' Course II, 4-6 ECTS, A1-A2
Prerequisites: Beginners' Course I or equivalent knowledge
Continuation courses can be taken by either participating in contact teaching or totally independently.
Italian Continuation Course I, 4-6 ECTS, A2
Prerequisites: Beginners' Course I and II or equivalent knowledge
Italian Continuation Course II, 4-6 ECTS, A2-B1
Prerequisites: Continuation Course I or equivalent knowledge
Italian Continuation Course III, 4-6 ECTS, B1
Prerequisites: Continuation Course II or equivalent knowledge
Practical Italian, 2 ECTS, A2-B1
Prerequisites: at least Beginners' Course I-II and Continuation Course I or equivalent knowledge
The objective of courses is to repeat and to supplement matters that have been learned with the Beginner’s courses and Continuation courses and to help students to develop its language skill in many ways.
Italian Grammar I, 2 ECTS, A1-A2
Italian Grammar II, 2 ECTS, A2-B1
Italian Reading Comprehension I, 2-3 ECTS, A1-A2
Italian Reading Comprehension II, 2-3 ECTS, A2-B1
Italian Reading Comprehension III, 2-4 ECTS, B1-B2
Italian Vocabulary I, 2 ECTS, A1-A2
Italian Vocabulary II, 2 ECTS, A2-B1
Italian Vocabulary III, 3 ECTS, B1
In the Italian business courses, the student becomes acquainted with the Italian business culture and business communication and gets the skills to manage in simple situations with an Italian-speaking trading partner.
Beginners' Course
Compulsory courses
Alternative courses
Italian kielessä voi suorittaa vähintään 20 opintopisteen laajuisen italian kielen opintokokonaisuuden. Vähintään 15 opintopistettä tulee olla suoritettu Turun yliopiston kieli- ja viestintäopintojen keskuksessa. Lisäksi kokonaisuuteen voi sisältyä esim. ulkomailla vaihdossa suoritettuja kursseja.
Italian Language Study Module
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