Research Day is an event organized jointly by the doctoral programme Utuling and the School of Languages and Translation Studies, University of Turku. The event takes place on 4th May on campus, but it is possible to participate also via remote connections.

 We invite all master’s students, doctoral researchers, and teachers and researchers working at the University of Turku or Åbo Akademi University to participate in the Research Day.

The theme of the Research Day in 2023 is theory in research. The theme defines the invited speeches of the Research Day. The plenary lecture will be given by the Professor, emeritus Fred Karlsson. In addition, the participants will hear presentations about the new research projects of the School.

As before, participants can give papers and present posters on any subjects. Research Day is a low threshold event where participants can present for discussion research plans, unfinished research ideas, methodological issues, ethical questions, and details of research analysis. The length of a presentation is 20 min + 10 min for discussion. Research Day is a great opportunity to practice conference/seminar presentations.



Venue: Calonia, Cal 1

9.00 Matti Peikola: Welcome words

9.05-10.05 Fred Karlsson: What is a "theory"? General remarks and an applicative example Chair Tuomas Huumo

10.05-11.00 Research projects in the School of Languages and Translation Studies.

  • Jussi Ylikoski: Koltansaamen kielioppi kolttasaamelaisille
  • Tuomas Huumo: Teoriat tulessa FiRe-akatemiahankkeessa
  • Veronika Laippala & Outi Vesakoski: Profi7: Human Diversity combines faculties

11.10-12.45 Sessions

Group 1 – Chair Henni Pajunen (Cal 2108)

  • Aino Liira: Handwritten annotation in early modern books with graphic devices
  • Sirkku Ruokkeinen: ‘The portrait of a Battell and Campe’: Graphic devices in Early modern English military manuals
  • Anna Runsio: Constructing the British research animal: The representation of the agency of research animals in the Report on Vivisection 1876

Group 2 – Chair Joonas Vanhala (Cal 2109)

  • Laura Ivaska & Ilmari Ivaska: Looking under the hood: which linguistic features contribute to the source language classification of direct and indirect translations into Finnish?
  • Arja Hamari: Mordvalaiskielten deskriptiivinen kielioppi

Group 3 – chair Jaana Vaahtera (Cal 2111)

  • Outi Veivo & Marjut Johansson: Miten yliopistojen kielialan koulutus on muuttunut kahdenkymmenen vuoden aikana?
  • Anna Ristilä: Turku/Åbo eduskunnan aihemaisemassa
  • Jenna Saarni: Kolme mielikuvaa koronakriisistä

Group 4 – chair Pekka Lintunen(Cal 1)

  • Teemu Helenius: Acquiring, analysing, and understanding multimodal TikTok short video data
  • Anni Hintikka: Written and Auditory Vocabulary Knowledge in L3 French: Can L2 English Enhance Learning?
  • Mari Mäkilä & Anne-Maj Åberg: Kirjoitussujuvuuden visualisointi GenoGraphiX-LOG-näppäilyntallennusohjelman avulla

12.45-13.45 Lunch

13.45-14.40 Research projects in the School of Languages and Translation Studies. Chair Matti Peikola (Cal 1)

  • Ida Meerto, Sara Norja, Kristel Nyberg & Mari-Liisa Varila: TiTaRa – Between science and magic
  • Hui Shi: Gender Socialization of Chinese-Speaking Children: From Theory to Empirical Evidence via Schools, Families, and the Media
  • Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov: Kertova teksti, kääntäjä ja kone

14.45-15.15 Announcement of the recipient of the School’s Research Award, coffee and presentations of posters


  • Asma Dhifallah: Expressions of EGO CENTERED Motion Metaphors of Time between Arabic and English
  • Maria Jokela: Cultural stereotypes between the East and the West from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages
  • Hanna-Mari Kupari: Building a database and linguistic resource of Medieval documents
  • Elina Lehtilä, Pauliina Peltonen, Magdalena Szyszka, & Pekka Lintunen: Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Approaches to Fluency: Projects FDF2 and MultiFluency
  • Meri Lindeman: Kokoomateos kielestä ja osallisuudesta: Kieli, hyvinvointi ja haavoittuvuus - kohti kielellistä osallisuutta (Gaudeamus 2023)
  • Minna Maijala & Salla-Riikka Kuusalu:  Transformative language teaching for sustainability
  • Anna Merikallio: Translations of imagined gender
  • Joonas Vanhala: From Stereotypes to Insults Contextualizing Popular Invective in Martial and Pompeian Graffiti

15.15-16.00 Separate meetings for doctoral researchers and supervisors (Cal 1 & Cal 2111)

Remember to register on 26 April at the latest: https://link.webropol.com/s/researchday2023