Keyword: Department of Physics and Astronomy

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Researchers Managed to Model Violent Flares in Centre of Black Hole System


An international team of astronomers has used the optical HiPERCAM camera of the Gran Telescopio Canarias in La Palma and NASA’s NICER X-ray observatory aboard the International Space Station to create a video of a growing black hole system at an unprecedented level of detail. The study has increased scientific understanding on the immediate surroundings of black holes.

University of Turku to Join an International Quantum Community – the IBM Q Network Promotes Quantum Technological Change in Research and Business Co-operation


The Turku Quantum Technology research team has joined the international IBM Q Network as part of the Centre of Excellence in Quantum Technology of the Academy of Finland. The aim of the network is to promote the development of quantum computers and to create new applications based on quantum technology. The European universities included in the network were announced at the World Conference of Science Journalists held in Lausanne on 3 July 2019.

Studying at the Department of Physics and Astronomy

The department teaches skillfull professionals in physics and astronomy for different posts in the industry, in societies and the community, as well as in the education. A student interested in research career may also continue to graduate studies either in Finland or abroad.

Historic Voyage to Mercury Has Begun – High Technology from Turku aboard


The BepiColombo orbiters were launched into space on Saturday, 20 October 2018 from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Journeying to the innermost and smallest planet of our Solar System, the orbiters are carrying Finnish high technology with them. Head of Space Research Laboratory at the University of Turku, Professor Rami Vainio has been responsible for the particle detector of the SIXS instrument aboard the Bepi orbiter.

Department of Physics and Astronomy

In Physics and Astronomy experimental and theoretical methods of natural sciences combine in a unique way. Modern technology brings basic research into an intimate connection with applications. At the same time development of the fundamental theories of physics is strongly connected to the latest developments in mathematics.

Researchers Managed to Prevent the Disappearing of Quantum Information


The properties of quantum mechanics can be utilised, for example, in technology and encrypting messages, but the disadvantage is the occasional disappearing of information. For the first time, a research group consisting of Finnish and Chinese scientists has found a way to fully control the information escaping the qubit.

Exploding Stars Enshrouded by Wispy Material Produced Right before Explosion


Stars substantially more massive than our Sun end their lives in a poweful supernova explosion. However, it is unclear what happens in the latest stages of the stars’ lives before their explosive final fate. An international team of astronomers led by Dr Francisco Förster from the University of Chile and including Dr Hanindyo Kuncarayakti from the University of Turku has now found evidence that these stars lose weight shortly before their death.