Keyword: Department of Chemistry

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Studying at the Department of Chemistry

The chemistry department teaches professionals of broad education in natural sciences for different posts in the industry, in societies and the community, as well as in the education. A student interested in research career may also continue to graduate studies either in Finland or abroad.

Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry educates experts for many fields of industry, research and teaching. The research carried out at the department aims to provide solutions to numerous everyday challenges starting from medicinal molecules designed for people and animals via new intelligent materials all the way to slowing down the climate change using the defense compounds of plants.

New Material Detects the Amount of UV Radiation and Helps Monitor Radiation Dose


Researchers at the University of Turku have developed a synthetic SensoGlow™ material that detects the quantity and quality of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun or other sources. This material makes it possible to produce an affordable, versatile, and long-lasting UV radiation detector which can be used to monitor the UV radiation dose with a mobile app, for example.