Keyword: UTUCRIS

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Researcher: please check and report your publication information from the year 2024 by 31 January 2025


Turku University Library imports researchers’ publications into the Current Research Information System (UTUCRIS) year-round from various international and national databases. More than half of the University’s publications are gathered through database searches. Currently, 4,978 publications published in 2024 have been validated, accounting for approximately 79 percent of the annual total.

Wondering how to publish your article openly?


Open access publishing raises many questions: how do I choose a suitable publishing channel, can I get a discount on publication fees, or what are the terms set by my funder for open publishing? There are many websites and services that support open publishing, and we will introduce the key ones.

What happens in self-archiving?


Self-archiving, or saving the full text of a publication in the university's repository for public access, is an excellent way to open up publications originally published behind paywalls. It also increases the visibility of the publication and ensures its long-term accessibility. Self-archiving is also financially beneficial. Peer-reviewed, scientific publications receive a funding incentive factor of 1.2 from the Ministry of Education and Culture if they are published Open Access or self-archived. But what does the library staff do in self-archiving publications?

Researcher: Please Check and Report Your Publication Information from the Year 2022 by 31st January, 2023


The Library imports publications by the University of Turku researchers to Current Research Information System UTUCRIS around the year from several international and national databases. About 50 % of all publications in the University are harvested in the database imports. At the moment, 4,022 publications from 2022 are validated, which equals approximately 67 % of the annual accumulation.