Patent search for researchers -training 14 March 14:00 - 15:30
Are you interested in finding out the peak prior art around your research topic? Who is patenting solutions close to your research findings, and where?
Are you interested in finding out the peak prior art around your research topic? Who is patenting solutions close to your research findings, and where?
Are you interested in finding out the peak prior art around your research topic? Did you know that big part of the prior art technology is found only in patent publications? Patents search for researches on Wednesday 04.05.2022.
Are you interested in finding out the peak prior art around your research topic? Who is patenting solutions close to your research findings, and where? Come to Patent search for researchers training to find out!
Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku are piloting a powerful and easy-to-use patent database Teqmine Patent Similarity during the year 2019. The current pilot period at the University of Turku will end on 31 December, 2019. Negotiations for continued licence are ongoing. You have now the opportunity to attend a Teqmine seminar where you will learn more about patents in general, how to use the Teqmine program and how to evaluate and explore the patentability of your research, invention, or idea with the program.