Keyword: CELE

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Visiting professors Fazal Rizvi and Marcelo Parreira do Amaral gives open lectures


Visiting professors Fazal Rizvi and Marcelo Parreira do Amaral will give open lectures at the Faculty of Education. Professor Fazal Rizvi is speaking with title "Global Transformations and Education Policy. Reimagining Globalization and Education" on 12th October and Professor Marcelo Parreira do Amaral is speaking about Understanding the Business of  Education: A Challange for Education Research at 8th November. Both events are organised by Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning and Education.

Professor Fazal Rizvi started as a visiting professor at CELE for 2019-2020: An opening lecture on Internationalisation of Higher Education


While the policy discourses of internationalisation of higher education at systematic level are relatively recent, there is nothing new about its practices. Internationally acclaimed professor Fazal Rizvi started his two year term (2019-2020) as a visiting professor at the Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning and Education, and spoke about neoliberal rationality and the internationalization of higher education on his opening lecture. 

How not to make education policy


Professor Martin Thrupp spoke at the Department of Education about a New Zealand primary school assessment policy called National Standards which was first announced in 2007 and was expected to improve the achievement of children. According to Thrupp, the policy has been a failure in many ways.