Keyword: University Communications

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Vigorous Collaboration with the University of Tartu


Rector of the University of Tartu Volli Kalm lectured in the University of Turku and started a joint guest lecture series. Volli spoke of the long traditions between the two universities and the future, where international networks and business collaboration play a key role.

​Rectors Volli Kalm and Kalervo Väänänen answered the audience`s questions together.

Doctoral Programme Openings with the Fudan University


The University of Turku and the Fudan University, Shanghai are joining forces in doctoral training. The project in question is called Sustainable Cities. Its aim is to train specialists who can integrate knowledge from several fields to find solutions that promote a sustainable change of cities.

Music Can Tell You Who You Are


Music has the power to influence both our gendered self-narratives and our collective identity. The belief that music conveys meaning is unquestioned. It also provides a way for listeners to express their personality and identity, and to interpret their feelings.

​Researcher of music, Professor Emerita Sheila Whiteley relaxes by playing the piano.​

Eva-Mari Aro is the Professor of the Year


The Finnish Union of University Professors has selected Plant Biology Professor Eva-Maria Aro from the University of Turku as the professor of the year. Aro leads a Centre of Exellence in Integrative Photosynthesis and Bioactive Compound Research at Systems Biology Level.

Multidisciplinary Research About the Hereafter


A versatile research project of the University of Turku highlights the world that is usually left outside the science. Internationally rare research received significant funding from the Academy of Finland.

​Previously, separate subjects have studied otherness like angels and the presence of the dead, but the research project in question studies the subject in a unique way by combining accomplishments and methods of different areas of science.  ​

Females Can Detect Cheat Males


Females can recognize a male with good genes even though it loses a battle of display. A research of Doctoral Candidate Mari Pölkki and Academy Researcher Markus Rantala from the Section of Ecology, University of Turku, showed that a male, that anticipated its own death, could win the battle of display. Nevertheless, females would not mate with it.

​Researchers used agressive field crickets in the experiment.​​