Keyword: University Communications

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Darwinian Fisheries - Shrinking Fish Sizes in Exploited Stocks


An experimental study with size-selectively harvested zebrafish that began in 2006 at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin, Germany reveals that size-selective harvesting causes changes in key life-history traits, leading to low maximum body size and poor reproductive output.

Higher Education Institutions in Turku Increase Co-operation


The University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences and HUMAK University of Applied Sciences have signed a partnership agreement.

Researchers of the University of Turku Proved the Health Benefits of Xylitol 40 Years Ago


Xylitol is by far the most famous product created at the University of Turku. The xylitol research, which started in 1969, culminated in an observation that surprised everyone. – We started to research whether xylitol is harmful to teeth, but we discovered that it can even ameliorate caries, says Professor Emeritus Kauko K. Mäkinen.

​Kauko K. Mäkinen presents the structure of xylitol. The light hydrogen atom and the red oxygen atom surround the zigzag carbon structure.

Two New Academy Professors to the University of Turku


Riitta Lahesmaa and Virpi Lummaa start their five-year academy professorship at the beginning of 2016.

​Riitta Lahesmaa, who was appointed to the post of an academy professor, is the director of Turku Centre for Biotechnology and leads a research group in Turku, which is part of the Academy of Finland's Centre of Excellence in molecular systems immunology and physiology.