Keyword: University Communications

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New Cyclotron Fixes the Bottleneck at Turku PET Centre


Turku PET Centre is taking a giant leap into a new era. The Centre has purchased a new cyclotron and now it can produce radioactive isotopes much faster than before. Now, Turku is climbing to the top in positron emission tomography (PET) on a worldwide scale.

Universities of Eastern Finland, Oulu, Tampere and Turku Enter into Strategic Partnership


Increasing the quality of research and expertise at the national level is of key importance for enhancing Finland's competitiveness. The Universities of Eastern Finland, Oulu, Tampere and Turku are jointly developing a model for competitive research and education, while taking into consideration the increasingly tight financial situation all Finnish universities are facing.

People-to-People Policies Could Promote Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region


Relations in cross-border regions, prospects for co-operation, economic ties, and the role of media in the Baltic Sea Region were topics of the Baltic Dialogue 2015 seminar in Turku on 4–5 November. The seminar brought together Russian and Finnish experts and students of political science and international relations.

Finnish and Indian Partners Aim to Develop a High-quality Health Care System for India


On October 27–28, the joint Finnish-Indian symposium “Future Opportunities in Health, Drug Development and Diagnostics” explored future possibilities in the fields of health, diagnostics, drug development and biomaterials.

​”India offers expanding resources and top pharmaceutical professionals to Finnish investors”, emphasized the Indian Ambassador Shri. Ashok Kumar Sharma.

Ultrasound Reveals How Speech Sounds Are Formed


The Department of Phonetics at the University of Turku is the first one in the world to combine both ultrasound technology and research on the evoked potentials of the brain in the development of language education. With the two different methods, researchers are looking for new, more effective ways to teach foreign languages. The research can also have applications in the treatment of speech disorders in the future.

Researchers Discover Size Gene for Salmon – Same Gene Regulates the Timing of Puberty in Humans


A Finnish-Norwegian-Scottish research group has discovered a gene that is important in determining the size a salmon is when it returns from the sea to reproduce in its home river. Surprisingly, the same gene is also involved in regulating the timing of puberty in humans. The results have profound implications for the management and protection of wild salmon populations, and may also help study health issues related to puberty in humans.

American Voices Seminar Explored the Diversity of American Society


The American Voices Seminar, held in Turku on October 9–10, invited North American Fulbright grantees to explore the kaleidoscope of American culture and to reflect on research, educational and cultural exchange between Finland and North America.

​In his keynote speech, Professor Lane Crothers from Illinois State University discussed the authenticity and manipulation of American political discourse.