Keyword: University Communications

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Two New Academy Professors to University of Turku


Hannu Salmi and Craig Primmer commence their five-year term as Academy Professors at the beginning of 2017.

Hannu Salmi is the Professor of Cultural History and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.

X-ray Free Electron Laser Reveals Radiosensitising Effects at Molecular Level


Recent research results validate the methodology for single-shot imaging of bio-systems. The discovery can help researchers in developing new, more effective drugs in the future.

​Scientists have illustrated how the 5-iodouracil molecule (center) – a nucleobase analogue that forms ribonucleic acid (brown) known as a radiosensitizer – breaks apart shortly after X-ray radiation (blue light), resulting in the local production of ‘radiation soup.’

Genetic Information Helps Identify High Future Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Children


A study conducted at the Research Centre of Applied and Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Turku shows that combining genetic information with the traditional childhood risk factors may be useful when identifying persons with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood. Especially young age groups benefit from genetic profiling as guidance and monitoring can already be targeted at them at an early stage.

KiVa Programme Spreads to Basque Schools


Ikastola Network has made a contract on purchasing the KiVa Antibullying Program to schools in the Basque area. KiVa was developed at the University of Turku, and the University will also produce the services for Ikastola.

First NIDE Course organised at the University of Turku


– In Morocco, orthodontic care is given to adults. Now, we are here to learn especially about the orthodontic care of younger patients, says Doctor Younesse El Ghomari. El Ghomari and 15 other Moroccans are currently studying at the University of Turku and their studies are led by Professor Juha Varrela and Senior Lecturer Anna-Liisa Svedström-Oriston.

New treatments harnessing the immune system can target previously uncurable diseases


Top researchers presented cutting-edge research on immune regulation and the interaction of our immune system and microbiota in the 43rd Scandinavian Society for Immunology meeting on 11 - 13 May 2016.

​Key speakers of the event included professor Jeffrey Bluestone from University of California San Francisco and professor Ramnik Xavier from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.