Keyword: University of Turku Library

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Libguides is now utuguides - domain and appearance


The functionality of the Libguides platform of the library will be enhanced and clarified. Also the ResearchGuides web pages will be renewed according to the graphic directions of the University of Turku during the spring 2019.

Library News in Brief 1/2019


Library News in Brief brings you the latest news of the Library's work, new developments, acquisitions and services.

Merck/MSD manuals


First published in 1899 as a small reference book for physicians and pharmacists, the Merck/MSD Manual grew in size and scope to become one of the most widely used comprehensive medical resources for professionals and consumers.

Lots of new wide-range e-references for Science and Engineering


Electronic references are extensive information packs that can help you find basic subject-specific information. By using e-references you can get quick and easy general information while also learning the subject terminology. E-reference articles are updated regularly and they are usually peer-reviewed.

Agreements with Wiley and Taylor & Francis at Risk


The FinELib consortium’s negotiations with two major publishers, Wiley and Taylor & Francis, ended at the end of 2018 without reaching a new agreement. At the University of Turku, the publishers’ online journals can be used until the end of January, and FinELib and the Turku University Library aim to ensure the researchers, teachers, and students’ access to the articles also in the future.

Browse electronic journals in virtual bookshelf


Browzine gives easy way to browse library’s e-journal collections. You can browse the journals under certain subject, or you can try browsing with subject term or with words on the title.