Keyword: Biodiversity and sustainability

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

New Sustainability-Themed Seminar Series Starts 5 October


The six strategic research and education profiles of the University of Turku together with the Steering Group for Sustainable Development are hosting a new "Thematics Talk Together - Sustainability" -seminar series. The series addresses topical and interesting questions related to sustainability and sustainable development.

Networked Co-operation Brings Biodiversity-related Courses Available to Students


The University of Turku, together with the Universities of Eastern Finland, Oulu, Helsinki and Jyväskylä and Åbo Akademi University are collaborating in biodiversity education, and the course catalogue for this academic year has been published. Through the Biodiversity education network, students at the University of Turku have a possibility to take biodiversity-related courses from other universities.

8 DEC I Researcher of Children, Young People and Learning - Get ready for Horizon Europe

Children, Young People and Learning -strategic profile of the University of Turku invites all researchers interested in the thematic area to a networking event. Thematics TeamUp event will highlight the opportunities offered in Horizon Europe funding, present the available networking tools as well as the support available for preparing the application. 

The University of Turku Nature2100 Fund Has Purchased Forest for Conservation Near Kurjenrahka National Park


The University of Turku Nature2100 fund (Luonto2100-rahasto) that was established last year under the Turku University Foundation has bought its first forests close to Kurjenrahka national park. The two areas that are situated in Pöytyä’s Yläne region constitute altogether 25 hectares. The aim is to enhance the biodiversity and carbon sink of the areas, as well as the possibilities for recreational use.

Rare trophic eggs behind the success of snakehead fish?


Fish rarely feed their young. An exception are certain species of snakeheads whose offspring feed on trophic eggs provided by their parent. A new study shows that this exceptional adaptation developed in snakehead fish around 12 million years ago. This behaviour might have enabled the fish to conquer new environments and led to the high diversity of species seen in one particular group of snakeheads.  

A common plant disease was found to defend its host against pests


Scientists from University of Turku observed that ergot, a common plant disease on rye, defended its host plant chemically against grass feeding insects. The ergot disease in grains spoils the yield and causes seed loss to the plant. Based on this, it is classified as harmful from the human perspective. A new study states that the ergot appears to be a beneficial protector for its host plant capable of even increasing plant fitness.