Keyword: Brahea Centre at the University of Turku

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University of Turku Brahea Centre Partner in Large-scale EU Project


A large-scale collaboration project (PlastLIFE) to enhance circular economy of plastics is starting in Finland. Ministry of the Environment and Finnish Environment Institute SYKE coordinate the project. The total budget of the project is approximately 20 million euros, and its financing comes from the EU Strategic LIFE Programme (LIFE SIP). Brahea Centre at the University of Turku is a partner in PlastLIFE Work Package focusing on plastics used in construction and agriculture.

BalticSatApps Successfully Paving Way for Earth Observation-based Innovations in Baltic Sea Region


The European Copernicus Programme provides Earth Observation (EO) data free of charge on an open-access basis. The Copernicus services are based on satellite and in situ observations, and cater to even near real-time data needs. The services provide global data which can also be used for local and regional needs. The data can, for example, help to make visible different phenomena affecting Earth, such as climate change and urban development.

Small ports provide improved services in the central Baltic Sea region


In the past years, various projects have worked to improve the safety and infrastructure of small ports. Now experts from Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia have joined their forces to develop better services in the small ports of the central Baltic Sea region. The focus of the CBSmallPorts project is on energy efficiency and joint marketing of the area.

Sewage-collecting Network Located around Baltic Sea Coastline Needs Developing – Boaters Want to Do the Right Thing


Many boaters are still occasionally releasing their sewage directly into the sea. The reason, however, may not be their own indifference, but rather the result of a lack of sewage pump-out stations or the fact that stations may be located in the wrong places, in poor condition or have insufficient user instructions. The purpose of the BATSECO-BOAT project is to survey the needs of boaters and improve the sewage pumping services throughout the entire central Baltic Sea region.

Finland University develops educational research in Oman


The Ministry of Education of the Sultanate of Oman has approved the Finland University tender on developing the evaluation of the effectiveness of the teachers’ continuing education and initiating research. The project is carried out by the University of Turku. According to Finland University CEO Pasi Kaskinen the 18-month contract is considered a significant opportunity.

Finland Universities CEO Pasi Kaskinen negotiated with the representatives of Oman.