Keyword: Department of Economics

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TSE Economics Research Seminar


10.12.2024 at 16.00 - 17.00
Speaker: Jukka Laaksonen (THL/UTU) Topic: The Effect of Age-Specific Social Distancing Recommendation on Healthcare Utilization

TSE Economics Research Seminar


3.12.2024 at 16.00 - 17.00
Speaker: Ilona Lahdelma (Carlos III University) Topic: The intergenerational effects of forced migration on human capital and personality traits

TSE Economics Research Seminar


8.10.2024 at 16.00 - 17.00
Speaker: Anton Brännlund (Uppsala University) Topic: Centralized vs. De-decentralized Money: Pre-analysis plan for a conjoint experiment in Finland

TSE Economics Research Seminar


24.9.2024 at 16.00 - 17.00
Speaker: Sirus Dehdari (Stockholm University) Topic: Placebo responsiveness – Does policy align with the preferences of the affluent because they are better informed?

TSE Economics Research Seminar


17.9.2024 at 16.00 - 17.00
Speaker: Oda Nedregård (Sciences Po) Topic: The effect of legislative misalignment on the representation of constituency interests

TSE Economics Research Seminar


13.2.2024 at 16.00 - 17.00
Topic: Pay-for-delay, licensing and litigation - An economic perspective to patent settlements in the pharmaceutical industry Speaker: Matias Pietola (FCCA)