Keyword: Turku Centre for Labour Studies (TCLS)

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WORK2023 conference in August 2023


WORK2023 provides opportunity for researchers involved in the broad sense in multidisciplinary scientific study of work and its various features in society to share knowledge, research results and new directions in research and practice.

Highlights of WORK2021 WORK III conference


Thank you for participating in WORK2021 conference on 8-9 December 2021! 

The umbrella theme for 2021 was the Work beyond crises – indeed the theme called for three separate conferences to valorize the multiple and complex aspects of the current crises, the ongoing transformations and global and local questions we face in the world of work.

Highlights of WORK2021 WORK II conference


Many of the paper presentations and discussions in the research streams in the second WORK2021 conference revolved around the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to working lives, personal lives and overall development of future work during and after pandemic. The questions of post-pandemic global working life were also present in the two plenaries as well as in the several papers presented in different research streams.

Highlights of WORK2021 conference's first part WORK I


In the first part of WORK2021 conference series, WORK I, discussions revolved around the major challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to people’s lives, working lives and personal living. These discussions revolved closely also to the future work life in the post-pandemic arena: how will it look like.