Keyword: Turku School of Economics

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Maritime Economic Development

For the Finnish national economy maritime sector is essential via two ways: i) by enabling the transportation of goods for exporting and importing industries and their needs nationally and ii) provision of equipment and technology to global maritime market. Due to statistics standards information on economic acitivity and added value generated by maritime sector is fragmented. TSE research supports to understand what is the impact of maritime sector and it’s business overall. Also regional development aspects and different impact analysis of clusters and subclusters is researched at TSE

Maritime Safety and Security @TSE

For maritime transportation, safety and security are critical necessities globally and also domestic waters with special requirements related to for example narrow fairways and winter conditions. Aiming for high safety culture, continues improvement and preparedness need to be supported. TSE contributes in research that supports to authorities’ collaboration, security of supply or cybersecurity. TSE staff is regularly involved in e.g. commenting and analysing to different regulation or policy proposals.

New Maritime Business Models and Services

Maritime@TSE supports the maritime industry to discover business opportunities in the dual transition to sustainability and digitalisation. Our focus is to embed business and service design aspects to processes, operations and technology.

Increasing demands for sustainability and rapid advancements in digital technologies necessitate changes in maritime business logics both inside one company and in interfaces with other companies. While challenging, this also provides new avenues for business model innovation and the provision of new service-based solutions.

Maritime Logistics

Research on logistics and supply chains relates to understanding what are the underlying drivers in transportation and logistics service markets and what impact logistics costs have for Finnish industries. Special questions in TSE relate to maritime business & policy, maritime economics, relationship between firm performance and supply chain management and adoption of green practices in supply chains

Digital and Autonomous Maritime

Maritime@TSE conducts research together with the maritime ecosystem sharing an aim to provide blueprints towards digitalisation and service innovations. For the longer term, the mission is to prepare Finnish maritime industry towards autonomous traffic and business.

Entrepreneurship Course Launches EC2U Education Collaboration


Entrepreneurship for research professionals is the first joint course of the EC2U Alliance. Organised by Turku School of Economics, the course can be applied to with a motivation letter by all doctoral candidates of the EC2U universities. Completing the course also gives the students an opportunity to participate in the activities of EC2U Entrepreneurship Academy in spring 2022.