Meet Hinako Matsui, a current Master's degree student at the University of Turku and an UTUambassador 2022-2023!
"Hi! I am Hinako, and I am a second-year student in the Master’s degree programme in East Asian Studies. I came from Japan after finishing my bachelor's degree in Language and Area studies.
East Asia has been always attractive to me not only because it is where I am from but also because it is such a dynamic and influential part of the world. I decided to come to Finland to gain a third-person perspective of viewing East Asia. I am especially interested in gender, education, welfare, and sustainability in Japanese and South Korean society, and considering these issues in the Finnish or European context is very insightful. Also, everyday life in Turku is a very important part of my learning experience as a social science student because I can always compare Finland and East Asian countries.
What I love about studying at UTU is its student-friendly atmosphere. Both teaching and administrative staffs are very kind and supportive. If I am in trouble, there is always someone who helps me. Although I am an international student without Finnish-speaking ability, I never felt that I am excluded from the UTU community.
Before coming to Finland, I remember I had tons of questions and worries. I would love to support your new journey here in Turku as a student ambassador, so feel free to reach me anytime!"
Instagram:@hina_oneday | LinkedIn: Hinako Matsui