Utuambassadors2024 henrique nunez hero

Henrique – Master's student in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Meet Henrique Núñez, a current Master's degree student at the University of Turku and an UTUambassador 2024-2025!

"Hi! I am Henrique, and I am currently in the second year of my Master’s degree in ICT: Robotics and Autonomous Systems. I moved to Finland approximately one year ago, and it is being a very interesting experience, quite different from what I had previously experienced in my home country, Brazil, and in Spain, where I have also lived. The choice of coming to Finland was based on several factors, but strongly influenced by the education, research opportunities, and life quality.

I chose the MDP in Information and Communication Technology as a form of specialization of my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science that I gained from University of São Paulo, Brazil. In this program you can learn specific algorithms to deal with robotic sensing, path planning and manipulation, and it was very in line with what I wanted to learn. As future interests, I would like to develop in the field of Soft Robotics and how to integrate computers and living things.

Overall, Turku is a great place to live in, and one of my favourite perks is that you get to live close to everywhere, so most of the city is reachable within 30m of cycling. Also, the nature is amazing and seeing all the seasons and how the colours and the vibes change is a privilege.

My personal website https://guara.tech/ or you can also connect with me on LinkedIn!"