Meet Almira Yausheva, a current Master's degree student at the University of Turku and an UTUambassador 2023-2024!
"Hey there! I'm Almira, originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan. However, I did not arrive to Turku from my home country: I have been living in Czech Republic for about 8 years. Just last year, I decided to to change both the country of my stay and career. I said goodbye to my role as a Graphic Designer and came into the world of Education and Learning. And guess what? I don't regret it one bit!
Education and Learning programme focuses on different aspects of education, covering macro and micro perspectives. I believe the program suitable for those who are curious to learn about various areas of education before specializing for their Master’s Thesis.
As I wrap up my first year, I'm still exploring different elective courses and thinking about going for a Minor. However, I have chosen a topic of my Master’s thesis which will focus on Social-Emotional Learning in the context of higher education. I have even planned an Intervention, and I am glad my program and supervisor supported me with it.
In my free time (which isn't much these days), I'm into board games, photography, anime, cosplay, and just hanging out with friends. I also joined a couple of student organizations this year, ESN and KATKO, hoping to meet some new people.
I had my doubts about Turku, coming from bigger cities, but the past year changed my perspective. I've come to love the calm and cozy vibe of Turku. Plus, it's the people who really make this place special.
Feel free to reach out and chat about anything. I've got some stories to share, especially about student life and studies at UTU!
Instagram: almiraya.ed | LinkedIn: Almira Yausheva