Alexander Spicer

Alexander – Master's student in Drug Discovery and Development

Meet Alexander Spicer, a current Master's degree student at the University of Turku and an UTUambassador 2020-2022!

"I have a background in biomedical science with a one year placement in Australia, I graduated and spent some time supporting scientific research from a consultancy perceptive. As I wanted to move further in my career, a Masters would be beneficial and having worked with many Finnish life science companies it seemed an opportune place to finally get to see another country and live on the continent. Going back to and Living as a student is a shock to the system but with a country as well adapted it is very easy. Finnish culture and lifestyle is unique, especially always living in Anglo nations, and to experience it first hand is a great place to begin."

Instagram: @alphaspice__

Alex's study experience

Tell more about your programme and why you chose it!

I ended up in the field of drug development after deciding at the last minute that I did not want to do engineering and swapped out to do a bachelor’s in biomedical science. I presume that was a good choice considering where I am now.

I graduated with my bachelor’s and moved into sales and consulting for drug development companies before eventually moving into a drug development company itself. To continue moving in my career I needed to get a Master’s degree, so I applied to this Master’s programme at UTU.

What has been the most interesting course for you so far?

The most interesting course we have had, would have to be BioInnovation. Basically, the gist is, to have an idea and build a company from the ground up. Trouble-shoot ideas, and discuss market plans and strategy. Really enjoyable course, especially given my background.

What are your future career plans?

I have just about finished my Masters degree. I think my next step will be to do my MBA, take a step out of research and more into business.