The structure of the programme is modular and each specialisation track has three obligatory modules that contain the core material of the field. These include the MSc thesis (30 ECTS), lecture and exercise courses, seminars, laboratory work, internship or project work, details of which depend on the specialisation. In addition, there is one thematic module that may be chosen to support your own study plan. The fourth module consists of freely chosen courses and obligatory Finnish language and culture courses (5 ECTS).
Mathematics as a main subject: For the first obligatory module in mathematics (20 ECTS), you can choose either Mathematics Module or Applied Mathematics Module. The Mathematics Module contains courses e.g. in discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, machine learning, number theory, and analysis. In the Applied Mathematics Module, there are courses e.g. of optimization, mathematical modelling, insurance mathematics and machine learning, too.
The second obligatory module in mathematics (20 ECTS) includes special courses from the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Module. So you can choose to further deepen your studies only in mathematics or in applied mathematics or widen your degree to contain studies in both of these fields.
And the third module in mathematics contains the Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS) and 10 ECTS freely selected courses in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics Modules.
Statistics as a main subject: The first obligatory module in statistics is the Statistical Inference Module (20 ECTS) containing the central principles of frequentist and Bayesian reasoning and, in addition, you learn to apply computationally intensive methods in the aforementioned contexts.
The second obligatory module in statistics can be chosen to be either Econometrics Module (20 ECTS), Biometrics Module (20 ECTS) or General Statistics Module (20 ECTS). According to the title of the modules these deepen your knowledge in one of the specific branch.
The third module in statistics contains the Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS), Thesis Seminar and a course in statistical modelling.
You are free to choose the thematic module from those offered in the programme or faculty or take a suitable minor subject, even one offered by other faculties. Thematic modules offered by this programme include Cryptography Module and, in addition, it is possible to choose a core module in mathematics as a thematic module for statistics and vice versa. In the other studies module you can choose any courses you want from the entire offering of the university in addition to the obligatory “Finnish for foreigners” courses.
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