Every student has to register to Finland as a foreigner and obtain a Finnish ID Code. You'll need the Finnish ID Code, if you need to visit a doctor.
DVV will host dedicated pop-in dates for new students at their office in Turku (street address Itsenäisyydenaukio 2 — behind the city theatre and the construction site):
Dates of Autumn semester are not confirmed yet.
at 9-12 and 13-15 o'clock on all of the days.
You can visit DVV without an appointment on any of these days and between any of the mentioned times. We highly recommend visiting DVV during these pop-in dates instead of making a separate appointment with them, as that is the easiest and most efficient for everyone involved. If you have already made an appointment with the DVV, but you are able to visit DVV during the pop-in days, please cancel your appointment at the latest after your visit, so they can be reserved by other people.
DVV registration process for students:
Fill in and submit the online registration form for students. On the website, follow the instructions how to register to Finland as a foreigner.
Enclose to the application:
• passport / official ID card. NB! driving license isn’t valid as an official ID in Finland!
• residence permit card (non-EU/EEA students)
• UTU registration certificate - you can download it from the study register Peppi after successfully registering to UTU
If you have already uploaded this on the online registration form, you do not have to take this with you to DVV.
Take your official ID with you when visiting the DVV office.
Send your Finnish ID code via e-mail to disco@utu.fi after you’ve received it. It is entered into the University's registry.