Turku Doctoral Programme of Molecular Medicine (TuDMM)

Turku Doctoral Programme of Molecular Medicine (TuDMM), established in the Faculty of Medicine in 2012, offers a high standard doctoral training in the broad field of molecular medicine.

The research groups affiliated to the programme focus on diverse topics, like cancer research, immunology and infection biology, receptor research, reproductive and developmental medicine, and systems biology. TuDMM operates locally in close collaboration with the other doctoral programmes of Turku BioNet.

Research Themes

• Cancer research
• Immunology and infection biology
• Receptor research
• Reproductive and developmental medicine
• Systems biology


Director, professor Noora Kotaja

Coordinator, FT Verna Louhivuori (vtlouh@utu.fi) tudmm@utu.fi

Sitaatti PhD TuDMM PhD 20
My curiosity for understanding the yet unknown mechanisms that make our cells work is the passion that drives me. Turku Doctoral Programme of Molecular Medicine offers the perfect environment for me to achieve this goal.
Mauricio Ramm, TuDMM doctoral researcher, Institute of Biomedicine
Sitaatti PhD TuDMM Hollmen
TuDMM gives both financial and educational support for my graduate students so that I can concentrate on supervising fruitful PhD work
Maija Hollmén, supervisor, PhD, Doc.; Principal Investigator, Academy Research Fellow