The University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) and Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) organize doctoral thesis supervision training. The training covers themes related to doctoral thesis supervision and supports working as a doctoral thesis supervisor.
The training forms a coherent whole dbut each of the parts can also be participated in individually.
The training is targeted at all supervisors of doctoral theses: those who have just started their career as a supervisor but also for those with more experience. In addition to having a chance to learn more about the supervision, the training offers a possibility to discuss with other thesis supervisors and learn the best practices.
Skilled Doctoral Thesis Supervisor 2022
Time: 26th of January 2022, at 13.15-15.45
Place: Online event. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants.
Welcome to Doctoral Thesis Supervisor Training
Pirjo Nuutila, Professor, UTUGS Director, UTU
2030 Strategic Framework
Päivi Mattila-Wiro, Director of Strategic Affairs, UTU
Dissertation with a Cotutelle Contract - Go Big or Go Home
Elisa Repo, Doctoral Candidate, Doctoral Programme on Learning, Teaching and Learning Environments Research (OPPI), UTU
Doctoral Thesis in Industrial Collaboration
Pasi Virta, Professor, Department of Chemistry, UTU
Panel Discussion: Perspectives on the Supervision of Doctoral Candidates
Panelists are doctoral thesis supervisors who in addition represent Strategic Research and Education Profiles.
Leena Hupa, Professor, ÅAU. Future technologies and digital society
Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Assistant Professor, UTU. Children, young people and learning.
Leo Lahti, Associate Professor, UTU. Cultural memory and social change
Outi Luova, University Lecturer, UTU. Sea and maritime studies.
Pekka Peljo, Associate Professor, UTU. Biodiversity and sustainability.
Elina Pirjatanniemi, Professor, ÅAU. Minority Research.
Chair: Sara Routarinne, Professor, Director of Doctoral Programme on Learning, Teaching and Learning Environments Research (OPPI), UTU.
Registration by 24.1.2022 (requires logging in the intranet)
Further information:
Maiju Kannisto, Coordinator, University of Turku (maiju.kannisto [@]
Time: 16th of February 2022, at 13.15-15.45
Place: Online event. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants
Intercultural Supervision: Research-Based Practices
Kalypso Filippou, University Lecturer, Department of Teacher Education, UTU
Responsible Conduct of Research and Prevention of Research Misconduct
Aleksi Tornio, Assistant professor, Institute of Biomedicine, UTU
Research Ethics in a Nutshell
Kirsi Klemelä, Development specialist, UTU
Timo Juhola, Lawyer, UTU
Doctoral Candidates’ Different Backgrounds and Equal Supervision: Good Practices
Jon Brommer, Professor, Director of Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG), UTU
Susanna Paasonen, Professor, Media Studies, UTU
Registration by 10.2.2022 (requires logging in the intranet)
Further information:
Nina Lehtimäki, Coordinator, University of Turku (nina.lehtimaki [@]
This part is organized in Finnish
Aika: 23.3.2022, klo 13.15.-15.45
Paikka: Hybriditilaisuus. LS 1 (Tauno Nurmela -sali), Päärakennus, 1. krs, Turun yliopisto. Ilmoittautuneille etäosallistujille lähetetään Zoom-linkki ennen tapahtumaa.
Toimittajan näkökulma tiedeviestintään ohjaamisessa
Riitta Monto, työelämäprofessori, humanistinen tiedekunta, TY
Tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttavuus ja tutkijoiden vuorovaikutusosaamisen kehittäminen
Erika Lilja, INVEST-lippulaivan projektipäällikkö, tutkija, STN-hankkeiden vuorovaikutusvastaava, TY
Ohjaajan ja tohtorikoulutettavan näkökulmat
Ilari Sääksjärvi, professori, Turun yliopiston biodiversiteettiyksikkö
Pekka Kolehmainen, Pohjois-Amerikan tutkimuksen John Morton -keskus
Yliopiston tuki tiedeviestinnässä
Jenni Valta, tiedottaja, viestintä, TY
Ilmoittautuminen viimeistään 16.3.2022 (vaatii Intranetin kirjautumisen)
Further information:
Meri Heinonen, koordinaattori, Turun yliopisto (meri.heinonen [@]
Time: 13th of April 2022, at 13.15-15.45
Place: Online event. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants
Expert Work as a Doctoral Career
Pia Heilmann, Professor of Management, University of Eastern Finland
Career Guidance in Practice
Pirjo Nuutila, Professor, UTUGS Director, UTU
Registration by 7.4.2022 (requires logging in the intranet)
Further information:
Nina Lehtimäki, Coordinator, University of Turku (nina.lehtimaki [@]
Time: 27th of April 2022, at 13.15-15.45
Place: Online event. Link will be sent to registered participants
Facilitator: Professor Michael Haney, Physician at Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences at Umeå University and long term involvement with Doctoral supervision training.
Learning goals: 1) Defining supervision and supervisor roles in research education, 2) Identifying some characteristics of good supervisors, 3) Recognizing some good tactics for successful supervision discussions.