Please keep an eye out for updates to seminar speakers and topics, as well as the schedule. You are welcome to follow the online seminars using the link provided.

FINDOS-Turku Seminars Spring 2025

We are happy to welcome you to the FINDOS-Turku seminar series for Spring 2025:


23.1.2025 at 12.00-13.00, Lauren 2-sali, Medisiina D

Tumor acceleration by Fusobacterium nucleatum: mechanisms and opportunities, visiting professor Prof. Gilad Bachrach, The Institute of Biomedical and Oral Research, Hebrew University.
Seminar is organized in co-operation with Microbes and Immunity Research Program MIRP.

Title: Tumor acceleration by Fusobacterium nucleatum: mechanisms and opportunities

Lecturer: Prof. Gilad Bachrach, The BacteriOncology Lab, The Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine Web site:

Host: Prof. Ulvi Gürsoy, Institute of Dentistry, University of Turku



26.2.2025 at 13:15-14.45, seminar room 4, Dentalia, Zoom
Tooth-biomaterials interactions: Current status and clinical challenges, Professor Arzu Tezvergil-Mutluay

Experimental methods to study biomaterial-induced collagen degradation, Marcelo Capitanio, Doctoral Researcher

Eroded dentin: new perspectives for effective collagen hybridization, Michel Wendlinger, Doctoral Researcher


26.3.2025 at 14.30-16.00, seminar room 4, Dentalia, Zoom

Typical features of facial fractures in children, Professor Hanna Thorén

Facial fractures in children. Results of cohort studies, Aura Kirvelä, DDS, Doctoral Researcher


9.4.2025 at 14.30-16.00, seminar room 4, Dentalia, Zoom

Bioactive glass in fiber composite cranial implants, Professor Pekka Vallittu

Stress distribution in composite mandibular segmental implant, Antti Väisänen, DDS, Doctoral Researcher


12.5.2025 at 14.30-15.45, seminar room 4, Dentalia, Zoom

Mucogingival Surgical Approach in light of Biological Principles. Talk given by Visiting Researcher, Dr. Mutlu Keskin, DDS, phD, Specialist in Periodontology, Altınbaş University, İstanbul.


Previous FINDOS Seminars