Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences (EXACTUS)

The Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences (EXACTUS) is responsible for the doctoral education in applied mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, learning analytics, materials science, mathematics, physics, statistics and theoretical physics.

Under the guidance of distinguished professors and supervisors EXACTUS provides comprehensive doctoral education in mathematical, physical and chemical sciences.

The Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences works in collaboration with:

Like all the Doctoral Programmes of the University of Turku, the EXACTUS Doctoral Programme is part of the University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS).

UTUGS funded Doctoral Researcher positions 2024 Decision

A call for applications for a fixed-term doctoral researcher position under an employment contract was open from 28 August -13 September 2024.

Fixed-term doctoral researcher positions 2024 decision: Link to the decision

EXACTUS travel grant 1/2024

A call for travel grant applications for the doctoral researchers of the Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences was open from 29 January to 20 February 2024.

The travel grant could be applied for a conference, a (summer) school or a research visit. The travelling grant could also be applied for participating in an online conference or online (summer) school.

The EXACTUS Steering Committee has decided to award a travel grant to the following doctoral researchers:

  • Abdul Qadir, Yasir
  • Ahlberg, Varpu
  • Al-waeel, Majid Ali Saad
  • Antola, Anni
  • Bin Qushem, Umar
  • Bobrikova, Anna
  • Díaz, María Alejandra
  • Eloranta, Pulmu
  • Farwa, Ghulam Ume
  • Fedeli, Annamaria
  • Forsblom, Sofia
  • Haapsaari, Hanni
  • Herva, Pyry
  • Huopalainen, Joona
  • Kargar, Rahim
  • Kevarinmäki, Henna
  • Kuukkanen, Ilari
  • Laaksonen, Johanna
  • Laine, Toni
  • Naushahi, Naman Ahmed
  • Nitindala, Anagha P.
  • Normo, Sanna
  • Nyberg, Seve
  • Palmroos, Christian
  • Perkonoja, Katariina
  • Saari, Verneri
  • Semakin, Aleksei
  • Sillanpää, Mimosa
  • Vuorinen, Laura
  • Österlund, Tommi

Two additional EXACTUS doctoral researchers who did not give permission to publish their name on the EXACTUS website received a travel grant. 

If the target of the travel grant is a conference and the doctoral researcher does not have an accepted talk/poster/article in the conference proceedings yet, the travel grant is conditional. The doctoral researcher is awarded the grant, provided the talk, poster or article in the conference proceedings becomes accepted: the acceptance must be proved before the usage of the grant by forwarding the acceptance email to the EXACTUS Coordinator.

If the travelling/participation situation changes, please inform the Coordinator as soon as possible.

EXACTUS travel grant 2/2024

A call for travel grant applications for the doctoral researchers of the Doctoral Programme in Exact Sciences was open from 13 to 30 August 2024. The travel grant could be applied for a conference, a (summer) school or a research visit. 

The EXACTUS Steering Committee has decided to award a travel grant to the following doctoral researchers:

  • Cecilia Agamah
  • Anna Bobrikova
  • Jakob Langenskiöld
  • Juho Pelto
  • Narhari Sapkota
  • Sanna Normo
  • Mikael Santonen
  • Niko Pyykkinen
  • Umar Bin Qushem
  • Naman Ahmed Naushahi
  • Katja Matilainen
  • Yasir Abdul Qadir

One additional EXACTUS doctoral researcher who did not give permission to publish their name on the EXACTUS website received a travel grant.

If the target of the travel grant is a conference and the doctoral researcher does not have an accepted talk/poster/article in the conference proceedings yet, the travel grant is conditional. The doctoral researcher is awarded the grant, provided the talk, poster or article in the conference proceedings becomes accepted: the acceptance must be proved before the usage of the grant by forwarding the acceptance email to the EXACTUS Coordinator.

If the travelling/participation situation changes, please inform the Coordinator as soon as possible.

Thinking of applying to EXACTUS? Click on the "Information for the applicant" box below.

Currently a doctoral researcher? Click on the "Information for the current EXACTUS doctoral researchers" box below.

Contact information:


EXACTUS Director:
Professor Juri Poutanen

EXACTUS Coordinator:
Eevi Savola

Sitaattikuva, Mimosa Sillanpää, EXACTUS tohtorikoulutettava
Doctoral training provides an opportunity to deepen my understanding of my own field and develop as a researcher. Moreover, I’m able to conduct state-of-the-art research that has a scientific impact.
Mimosa Sillanpää, EXACTUS doctoral researcher