Doctoral Programme in Technology (DPT)
Doctoral Programme in Technology (DPT) is a cross-disciplinary platform for researcher training in the Faculty of Technology the University of Turku.
DPT is a cross-disciplinary platform for researcher training, based on the synergy between excellence in science and strong engineering research. DPT trains doctoral researchers towards degrees in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Science in Technology (DSc-Tech), and in Doctor of Science in Economics and Business Administration (DSc-Econ). DPT aims at exploring synergy between diversified profiles of science disciplines and fields of technologies, strengthening the collaboration between different disciplines, increasing industrial collaboration, developing business skills, and cultivating the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Research Themes
Computer Science (PhD): Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning and Data Analysis; Discrete Optimization and Probabilistic Inference; Interaction Design; Game Development; Learning Analytics and Educational Technology; Computational Humanities; Autonomous systems; Scientific programming
Information and Communication Technology (DSc-Tech): Cyber Society and Digitalization; Security and Privacy; Communication and Security Engineering; Health Technology; Health Data Analytics; Digital Diagnostics; Internet of Things; Autonomous Systems and Robotics; Multi-Robot Systems; Embedded Intelligence; Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing; Software Engineering; Software Technology; Software Business; Mixed Reality
Phonetics (PhD): Language Acquisition and Learning; Speech Perception and Production.
Biochemistry (PhD): Protein Structure and Function; Interactions between Cell and Its Environment.
Link to www page: Research in Biochemistry
Biotechnology (DSc-Tech) and Molecular Biotechnology and Diagnostics (PhD): Antibody and Protein Engineering; In vitro Diagnostic Assay and Platform Technologies; Luminescent Reporters; Clinical Diagnostics and New Biomarkers; Point-of-care Diagnostics; Molecular Diagnostics; Environmental and Food Diagnostics
Link to www page: Research in Biotechnology
Food Chemistry (PhD) and Food Development (DSc-Tech): Chemistry and Biochemistry of Lipids; Secondary Metabolites of Foods; Food Development Research; Food Metabolomics; Health Effects of Foods.
Link to www page: Research in Food Sciences
Molecular Plant Biology (PhD) and Sustainable Biotechnological Processes (DSc-Tech): Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology of Photosynthesis; Signaling and Regulation of Development and Stress responses; Synthetic Biology; Photosynthetic Cell Factories, Solar Chemicals and Fuels production, Phytoremediation
Information system science (PhD or DSc-Econ): Design and implementation of ICT-management and –governance, IS- and e-services user/customer behaviour, Work informatics and IS-ethics, e-health/-wellbeing
Link to www page: Research at the Information Systems Science
Automation and Electrical Engineering (DSc-Tech): Industrial Systems Automation; Electric Powertrain Systems; Bearingless Drives and Motors, Magnetics Bearings and Gears; Control of Robots and Swarms of Vehicles; Model-based testing of automation systems; Electrical Machines and Technologies; AI-Driven Control, data-based and physical modeling of dynamical systems, Diagnostics; Mechatronic Systems.
Industrial Engineering and Management (DSc-Tech or PhD): Industrial management; Innovation management; Project management; Project-based organizing; Organizational behavior; Behavioral strategy; Process management; Teamwork; Organizational dynamics and change; Strategic technology management; Strategic decision making; Operations management; Production management; Industrial systems and networks; Sustainability evaluation; Life cycle assessment; Techno-economic evaluation; Circular economy implementation; Industrial service management
Materials Engineering (DSc-Tech): Solar Energy Materials and Systems; Battery Materials and Technologies; Light-emitting Materials and Devices; AI-Driven Computational Materials Science; Materials in Health Technology.
Mechanical Engineering (DSc-Tech): Axiomatic design / engineering design; Computational Intelligence; Fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion; Laser Based Advanced Manufacturing; Additive manufacturing; Digital Manufacturing; Virtual Manufacturing; Sustainable Manufacturing; Manufacturing Processes; Smart Systems; Robotics; Mechatronics; Human factor; Knowledge management.
Link to www page: Research at the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Thinking of applying to DPT? Click on the "For the applicant" box below.
Are you currently a DPT doctoral researcher? Click on the "For the doctoral researcher" box below.
Contact information
DPT Director:
Professor Kati Hanhineva
DPT Coordinator:
Coordinator Aiste Ivanauskaite