Doctoral programme on Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State - Admission Criteria and Instructions for Applicants

New doctoral candidates are admitted to the Doctoral programme on Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State two times a year. The electronic application forms are open during the application period. More information on how to apply for Doctoral Training at the University of Turku is available in the page of University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS).

Follow the instructions of the doctoral programme below, but also take into account the instructions of the faculty you apply to.

Instructions of the Faculty of Social Sciences for applying to the PhD programme:

Instructions of the Faculty of Medicine for applying to the PhD programme:


DPInvest doctoral programme's instructions on applying

Shortly, the steps you need to take:

  1. Contact supervisor (email including an abstract of the research plan) to get a commitment: INVEST list of supervisors
  2. Write a research plan
  3. Get all necessary attachments (see Call for applications document)
  4. Apply! Link to application form/s will be published at this page on the first day of the call.

See more detailed information below

Next application periods: 

  • 29 August -12 September, 2025 (right to study from 1 January 2026 and doctoral researcher positions with employment contract)
  • 2 March - 16 March, 2026 (right to study from 1 August 2026)  

Note! The application forms closes at 4 pm local time in Finland.