At the center of the Children, Young People and Learning collaboration is a human being and human life course. The aim of the research and education is to enhance understanding and support children and young people as responsible actors and capable makers of a sustainable future.
Well-being of children and young people are studied in Children, Young People and Learning collaboration for example in the following projects:
Children of Immigrants, Language and Integration across Europe CILIE
Koulutusjärjestelmät, oppiminen ja yhteiskunnallinen muutos EduSys
Köyhyyden ja osattomuuden kertomattomat kokemukset Turussa 1800-luvulta nykypäivään
Lasten maailmat - Children's worlds
Life-course Dynamics of Educational Tracking
Life-course experiences, intergenerational processes, and child well-being and development
Nuorten tulevaisuuskuvat 2067
Oppilasvalikointi kaupunkikouluissa
Perhepalveluiden ja lastensuojelun sosiaalityön asiantuntijuus monikulttuurisessa ja transnationaalisessa toimintaympäristössä
Sukulaisuussuhteet, sukupolvet ja elämänkulku KinCross
Actors, Structures and Law 2015-2019 ASLA
Legal Literacy in Finland 1750-1920
Resilient schools and the education System RESCUE
If you like your project to be included in the listing, please send a message to the Children, Young People and Learning group