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Are You Applying for Funding from the Research Council of Finland to the University of Turku?

Welcome to apply for the Research Council of Finland funding at the University of Turku! The Research Council of Finland's largest annual call - now called the Winer Call - is open this 13 November 2024 to 8 January 2025.

When applying for funding from the Research Council of Finland to the University of Turku, you should first contact the Head of Department of your target unit. Send a short introduction about yourself and your research to the department head and explain why you are applying to the department in question. The Head of Department will also act as the site commitment provider in the Council's application system.

As an applicant to the University of Turku, you will receive help from experts in areas such as research funding, finance and the library. For help and information on the University of Turku's application guidelines and internal timetables, please contact the Research Services (researchservices@utu.fi) in good time before the Research Council of Finland's application deadline. Please register as a University of Turku applicant using the registration form by Wednesday 20 November 2024 at the latest.

Registration form

The Research Services of the University of Turku will organise an information session on 21 Nowember at 10:15-12:00. The event is organised remotely.

Welcome to the University of Turku and good luck with your application!