Meet the New TIAS Fellows 2024 - Two online events

Wednesday 25 September and Wednesday 2 October, at 15.00-16.00.


In September 2024, six new TIAS Postdoctoral Fellows and three Collegium Fellows joined the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) to undertake new research projects. 

We welcome colleagues from the University of Turku and beyond to join us in these online seminars to find out more about TIAS’ new Fellows and their research. Please join us online for an hour of interdisciplinary research excellence.

Wednesday 25 September programme

Welcome and introduction to TIAS: Professor Martin Cloonan, Director, TIAS

Presentations by TIAS Fellows (10 minutes each):

Antti Lampinen (Humanities): The Reception of Ancient Ethnography in Early Medieval Learned Writing

Marie-Pier Larose (Social Sciences): Linking Molecular Genetics and Developmental Psychiatry to Improve Academic Success

Ville Suuronen (Social Sciences): What is Contemporary Illiberalism?

Jussi Jaakkola (Law): Political Philosophies of Competitive Fiscal Federalism

Xin Liu (Humanities): The Lottery Nation: The Promise of Wealth in the Post-socialist China

Wednesday 2 October programme

Welcome and introduction to TIAS: Professor Martin Cloonan, Director, TIAS

Presentations by TIAS Fellows (10 minutes each):

Tommi Alho (Humanities): Medical Referencing in Early Modern Europe

Kaisu Hynnä-Granberg (Humanities): Bodies of Media Education – Towards Digital Pedagogies of Feeling

Linda Karlsson (Social Sciences):  Developing Vaccine Communication Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

Péter Szigeti (Law): Creating an Ecologically Sustainable System of Private Law