Photo by city of Turku

Extensive support available for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants and Supervisors – Sign up now!

University of Turku offers extensive support to those MSCA PF applicants who are applying with the intention of conducting research at UTU.

MSCA PF funding allows postdoctoral researchers to move to another EU country for two years to conduct a research project, or three years if the project is conducted outside of the EU. Applicants can be of any nationality, and research projects can be from any field. More information about the funding. Also, note that researchers who already work at UTU are eligible to apply for a PF project at UTU if they fulfill the mobility requirement. See the following eligibility criteria.

MSCA PF applicants are researchers who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Mobility requirement: Has not resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the beneficiary (i.e. Finland in the case of University of Turku) for more than 12 months during 10.9.2022-10.9.2025.
  • Has been awarded (the first) PhD within the last 8 years, i.e. after 10.9.2017.

University of Turku offers a Kick Off Event to the applicants and their Supervisors, access to a Moodle platform with templates, successful applications, educational videos and tips to improve the application, as well as comments to the proposal from a Research funding specialist.

Support timeline:

  • Sign up as an applicant at the latest on 14.4. for the Kick Off Event
  • Kick Off Event: 28.4. at 13-15
  • Access to the Moodle platform: 28.4.–10.9.2025
  • Call deadline: 10.9.2025

To applicants and Supervisors

The Kick Off Event is open to all applicants regardless of the country of the host institution, and Supervisors. It is a hybrid event. We hope that all who participate from the University of Turku will join us at the venue.

Kick Off Event program:

13.00-14.00: Introduction to the MSCA PF instrument

14.00-15.00: Successful applicant and the University of Turku support process for applicants

Date and venue: 28.4., Arcanum A270

Signing up for the support

Note! If you are an applicant to the University of Turku, you need to provide the following during signing up:

  • CV and publication list
  • A preliminary topic of the research project

Signing up can be done by the applicant or by the Supervisor on behalf of the applicant. The form is open to all, not just UTU personnel.

Sign up to the Kick Off Event and/or Moodle

Contact if you have any questions.

If you want to learn about the research done at the University of Turku, visit