Senior Researcher, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Areas of expertise
insect-plant interactions
environmental pollution
Predation on Live and Artificial Insect Prey Shows Different Global Latitudinal Patterns (2024)
Global Ecology and Biogeography
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Forest management affects ecosystem functioning (predation and herbivory) but not ecosystem constancy: A comparative study across four forest ecosystems around the world (2024)
Global Ecology and Conservation
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Effects of industrial pollution and ambient air temperature on larval performance and population dynamics of Eriocrania leafminers (Lepidoptera) (2024)
Science of the Total Environment
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )
Experimental Evidence Questions the Relationship between Stress and Fluctuating Asymmetry in Plants (2023)
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Recovery of moth and butterfly (Lepidoptera) communities in a polluted region following emission decline (2022)
Science of the Total Environment
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Mixed evidence for the small-island effect in a replicated colonisation experiment (2022)
Journal of Vegetation Science
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Poleward increase in feeding efficiency of leafminer Stigmella lapponica (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) in a latitudinal gradient crossing a boreal forest zone (2022)
Insect Science
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Insect herbivory increases from forest to alpine tundra in Arctic mountains (2022)
Ecology and Evolution
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Elevational changes in insect herbivory on woody plants in six mountain ranges of temperate Eurasia: Sources of variation (2022)
Ecology and Evolution
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Climate shapes the spatiotemporal variation in color morph diversity and composition across the distribution range of Chrysomela lapponica leaf beetle (2022)
Insect Science
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