Areas of expertise
2016 - PhD Student, Scandinavian Languages, University of Turku (funding 2018 Svenska kulturfonden; 2019 Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland)
2021-2023 Part-time teacher, Scandinavian Languages, University of Turku & Center for Language and Communication Studies, University of Turku
2020-2021 Part-time teacher, Scandinavian Languages, University of Turku & Swedish Language, Åbo Akademi University
2018-2019 Swedish teacher (upper secondary school, comprehensive school), Lahden yhteiskoulu
2017 Researcher, Scandinavian Languages, University of Turku (Formulaic sequences in three morphologically different learner languages)
2016-2017 Part-time teacher, Department of German, University of Turku
2021-2023, Part-time teacher, University of Turku (Scandinavian Languages & Center for Language and Communication Studies)
2020-2021 Part-timer teacher, University of Turku & Åbo Akademi University (courses "Swedish Grammar II, Grammar, Advanced Course in Grammar, Swedish as a Second Language")
2019 Teacher in the courses "Current research in Scandinavian languages" and "Oral production and vocabulary enlargement"
2018-2019 Swedish teacher (upper secondary school & comprehensive school)
2017 Teacher in the course "Organizing a scientific symposium"
2016 Part time teacher, German (Teaching Grammar courses)
The aim of my PhD Thesis is to examine how Finnish learners of Swedish use connectors in their written production. The theoretical framework of my thesis is systemic-functional linguistics and third language acquisition. I study how multilingual learners use their holistic linguistic resources when realizing logical-semantical relations between words, phrases, clauses and sentences with connectors. I will also examine the use of connectors during writing process with keystroke logging.
My other research interests are teaching materials, computer assisted language learning and foreign language teaching.