Valtteri Nieminen profile picture
Project Researcher, Health Technology
Doctoral Researcher, ​Department of Computing
Currently I am working on the data-privacy related PRIVASA project and the HCT 2.0 project.

Areas of expertise

Machine Learning
Data Analysis
Life Sciences
Medical Informatics


Data analytics courses teaching assistant. 


My research focus is on data privacy-preserving learning techniques in life sciences, machine learning methods and federated learning techniques. Additionally I work with data harmonization and federation in medicine, such as the OMOP Common data model.     


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Finnish perspective on using synthetic health data to protect privacy: the PRIVASA project (2024)

Applied Computing and Intelligence
Pitkämäki, Tinja; Pahikkala, Tapio; Montoya Perez, Ileana; Movahedi, Parisa; Nieminen, Valtteri; Southerington, Tom; Vaiste, Juho; Jafaritadi, Mojtaba; Khan, Muhammad Irfan; Kontio, Elina; Ranttila, Pertti; Pajula, Juha; Pölönen, Harri; Degerli, Aysen; Plomp, Johan; Airola, Antti
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